
I for Idiot – A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2014 – Comments I’ve Received

‘Idiot’ means a person lacking common sense/intelligence, as much I know. And no wonder some have accoladed me with this praise, at times 😀

Common sense is one thing, which is supposed to stay on us at all times. But it’s good to remove that ‘heavy’ blanket occasionally*. And the fun starts there! It fetches some amazing and awkward moments, and also acknowledgements like this.

Oh wait..i’m not someone who loses my sanity very often. Only to enjoy the moments of life, which require me to come out of the closet of ingenuity of the so called intellectual world. 

I’m reminded of a popular quote…

Strangers think I’m quiet.,My friends think I’m funny.,But my best friends know that I’m InSaNE!

It’s a blessing to have friends who have the same level of insaneness as oneself. And i’m so much blessed in this aspect.

*Holds good only when you are surrounded by your insane friends


God Bless

13 thoughts on “Idiot

  1. LOL. This post made me laugh. Really laugh. I understand what you’re saying. My levels are way up too, but luckily I have friends who are just about at the same level. Great choice for letter I, by the way.
    Silvia @


  2. Hi Kaushik – there are idiots and idiots .. and people who we trust and love who are ‘idiots’ but just keep on the right side of sanity when necessary … Silvia is so right too .. cheers Hilary


  3. Well, aside from my sister when we were kids, I have not heard anyone call me an idiot. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone ever said that about me, though. The one who’s called me an idiot the most times is me.


    1. Apart from few of my dear friends, none have said me too. And i’d love when these guys say me so, and even more to reciprocate it! 😀
      Thank you 🙂


I'd be happy if you left behind a line or two..