What is LGBTQIA+

An informative post on ‘Pride’ by my good friend and colleague Kriti..


Eeetttssss Pride Month. We have LGBTQIA+ everywhere around us, they’re either not visible to us or we unintentionally deny their existence. So, here is a go-to reference for anyone who wants to know, or create a safe space for their queer friends and fam but just haven’t been exposed to these terms. 🌈💖
LGBTQIA+ is a collective phrase for: Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers, Intersex and Asexuals. The plus sign denotes the scope of inclusion of anyone who does not identify with any of these labels.
  1.  Sex: Biological, assigned at birth, based on genitals, chromosomes and secondary sex characteristics.
  2. Gender: Social Construct, a performance based on norms set by a community or culture. It is not a binary, where you have a male, a female and the third or neuter gender. It is a fluid concept and can be independent of what reproductive organs we carry.
  3. Sexuality

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LoveWins, Oh but really?

In a significant judgement, the Supreme Court of the US has recognized the equal status of its LGBT citizens. It’s nice to see people offering their support by various means. There is so much positivity, hope, warmth shown all around in the social media. But how much of it is genuine? Is India ready for such a change? Are Indians willing to accept such a reform wholeheartedly? All I had to say about this were 5 things, as tweets.

Status updates, profile pic changes, etc are good and give a positive feel, but how many actually support LGBT wholeheartedly? (1)

Constitutions, courts can give mandates, but it’s up to the people to overcome prejudices! (2)

Talking about India, when just tweeting about gay things can fetch rude, ‘well-wisher warning’ messages, miles to go ahead! (3)

Anyway, people judge, hate, love, accept according to their capabilities but one leads their own lives 🙂 Smile and cheers! (4)

Finally, plant rights didn’t make me a plant, hence gay rights won’t make me gay! Thanks and sorry for the ranting-tweeting spree! (5)

Hope i’m clear headed and have summarized my thoughts.

Again emphasizing that there is so much positivity, love and warmth all around. Wishing and praying that it lasts genuinely forever and Love Wins always. Union of souls is beyond the spectrum of gender, orientation, religion, caste, creed, *whatever differences have been created by humans* and we have a long way to reach there!

P.S. Supporting gayness doesn’t make me gay (if i’m not already, actually 😉 ) And the term gay actually means happiness (if you don’t know already) Special cheers!


God Bless

for Souls to unitE and eXhaust

During a casual conversation, say the word sex and things will get uncomfortable (no pun, I mean the conversation going uncomfortable) . Prefix the word ‘premarital’ to it, and things can only get worse, unless the conversation is with extremely close friends (same gender!) Try prefixing other words like ‘same’, ‘casual’, <I leave the rest to your imagination> and you’d have already started guessing what mess could happen.

Of course times are changing, but in a conservative society like that of India, these topics are still taboo-kind-of and not discussed widely, in general. Yes, we need to respect this thought of others, yet make a point that there’s nothing wrong talking about sex or sex itself! Because we all weren’t dropped into our cradles by a stork actually.

Coming to the topic of premarital sex, I opine that sex is more about two souls getting to know each other, and marriage is more about letting the world know about their relation. That’s the reason the former act is done is private and the latter in public. Both of them are a journey. One travelled by the imperishable souls and the other by the perishable body.

The act of (true) sex is beyond that of anything physical. It is more like a fusion of two bodies of energy. The journey to find oneself by traversing into the other. Something very divine. And it has nothing to do with the walls that humans have created, in the form of marriage, in the form of society. But if one feels so, we ought to respect it.

So saying sex and marriage can be considered independent of each other. In that case the term premarital sex gets meaningless. Sex is more than lust, before or after marriage, with or without marriage. But again perspectives vary and none of can be validated or invalidated.

So, do you believe in love? Someone asked me once, and I replied, I feel, I am here, on this earth, just to teach the world, ‘Love’, the essence of True Love and how to create sensational union with your Split half, Twin soul, True Love and discover the ultimate, passionate, esoteric ‘Ancient Art of True Love’ says author Poonaam Uppal, as taken from the introduction to her book, in Flipkart.

Get her book A Passionaate Gospel of True Love : A Mystical True Love Story to find out more about her take on true love and its essence.

P.S 1..The significance of sex is lost without the elements of trust, responsibility and love between the two.

P.S 2..I’ve said sex is about two souls. They don’t have a gender and I haven’t mentioned anything about gender or orientation here (in case you haven’t noticed)

P.S 3..I’ve posted only about premarital sex. The other moral issues such as cohabitation, adultery, prostitution, etc do not find a place here.

This post is written as a part of the discussion on YES or NO to Pre-Marital Sex by Indiblogger and A Passionaate Gospel of True Love : A Mystical True Love Story


God Bless

We are different.,

Consider two different scenarios…

Scenario 1

X: Hey, you are different from me

Y: No, you are different from me

X: Whatever, we both are different. We need to fight!

 Scenario 2

A: Hey, We both seem to be different

B: Wow! Yes. There is so much of difference between us

A: Come, let’s learn our differences and celebrate it!

Scenario 2 seems great, but unfortunately it is Scenario 1 that is more common and widespread on our planet. So called ‘civilized’ people fight over or hate each other, just because of the differences that exist between them.

Continue reading “We are different.,”


Q for Queer – A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2014 – Comments I’ve Received

Well, I’m going way too honest here 😀 Anyway it’s true that some have thought me to be ‘Queer’. I’m silent yet outspoken, wear some colourful outfits quite often, have a ‘gay-like-face’..and it is the stereotype that people hold in their minds, which make them think so.

We humans should stand for each other. It doesn’t make one a lesser woman or a lesser man. One needn’t be a child to be a child rights activist. And the same logic applies to all aspects of life.

I always find it funny (and irritated at times too!), when I come to know the stereotypes that some people hold in their minds. The character of a person belonging to a particular ethnicity, religion, country, orientation, etc* is not the same as that of another person from the same kinship.

And I’m least annoyed or disturbed by any opinion that some people hold on me. We live our lives and there is no need to accommodate the whims of someone into our lives. And who is to judge the life of one, who lives as intended by God?!

BTW why to rebuff a compliment that isn’t offensive 😉

* – the list of differences that we’ve created to distinguish ourselves is infinite


God Bless