Pimple’yki Pilapi

The mountains are pimples, and the valleys are dimples…a silly-sounding rhyme, which was a great achievement for me and my sister when we ‘invented’ it!

There was an old Tamil ad where a girl would shout, ‘Miss Pimpley varaaaaa’. Maybe when I was 5-6 yrs old, this was one of my favourite ads. Sadly I’m able to neither recollect what endorsement was it nor find the ad anywhere.

Those were some of the funny experiences I’ve had with pimples and if you’d have guessed, the not-so-funny experiences surely were when I got some. When I was young (very young actually), I had a thought that only girls would get pimples on their when they grow up. And boys would get hair on face as they grow. Of course I realized the dumbness later.

Honestly saying, I was luckier than most of my friends, for I never had more than a pimple or two, if not many on my face, at any given time. And I should thank my mother for it. As in any home, oil and spices were not included in high dosage in ours’. The junk food I sneaked at times also didn’t create much damage in form of pimples.

How can I forget my friends and well-wishers who came up with innovative ideas to avoid, or cure pimples! Rub face with banana peel, apply toothpaste, apply some-some cream, don’t apply any cream, use soap, don’t use soap, apply my own saliva (gross! but believe me, I’ve got his suggestion too) Again coming to my rescue, it was my mother who gave the best idea – leave the pimple as it is. It’s natural to get a few pimples and it’ll go away on its own. As I said earlier, I had just one or two pimple on my face and occasionally that too. So it wasn’t a big deal to worry about quite often.

And I grew older and bolder, so did the pimples that started appearing. So my way of just ignoring them was not too good an idea. The pimples did disappear but not without leaving their mark. These marks stayed for a period longer than their previous tenant and were too adamant to vacate on their own, at the earliest. Use any inappropriate force on them, and they will grow stronger.

It is in such situations that Garnier products comes to your rescue. Garnier Pure Active with the goodness of neem is an excellent way of treating pimples, vacating their successors, keeping yourself fresh and clean!

This post is written as a part of No Pimples No Marks by Garnier Pure Active Neem and Indiblogger.

P.S..If you were wondering about what the title (this term comes in an old Tamil movie) means, it is literally ‘nothing’ or something useless like the pimples. A better desi explanation would be Pimplekyi Pilapi = Babaji ka Thullu!


God Bless

I'd be happy if you left behind a line or two..