
Simply saying, this is my 100th blog post in Words and Lines!

100I had no idea of what is blogging is all about, until I started a blog of my own a few years back in Blogger. Later I shifted to WordPress and there was no looking back. 

Blogging was one of the beautiful things to happen in my life. I met many awesome people through blogging, and made many good friends too. It was through blogging that I joined the Chennai Bloggers Club and in a way it was from there I started to socialize a lot. The meetups, tag-blogs were all so much fun and brought in more friends every time. During the AtoZ April Challenges, I came across several blogs and met many good bloggers. As a part of the IndiBlogger contests again I was able to connect with some amazing people. 

Another coincidence is that I got to post my 100th post on the 1st of September. This is great because September has always been kind and given some pleasant moments in my life. It was in Sep that I shifted to a new home, joined college, got placed, made an amazing journey few years back, got awarded for animation stuffs,  and some personal 😉

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. Be it even a single reader, the fact that someone reads what we write is motivation enough to continue blogging.


God Bless

10 thoughts on “100!

I'd be happy if you left behind a line or two..