
R for Reserved – A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2014 – Comments I’ve Received

“Reserved Person” – one who loves to keep things to oneself. Draws energy and enthusiasm from within. Doesn’t interact much. Has a small set of like-minded friends. Is indeed interested in the happenings around, but that interest isn’t reflected greatly. Or simply saying an Introvert.

Yes, I was an introverted person. I may still be, but definitely not as reserved as I was in my younger days. I interact a lot and love doing so, with new people. I still have a small, but awesome set of friends though we don’t share similar interests. 

Being an introvert is not bad at all. It has its own pros and cons. And the same with being an extrovert. But one thing that I’ve benefited is, being on my own and independent. More importantly love doing things -travelling, blogging, cooking (only at times), sketching. It may be good or bad to do things alone, but when one enjoys doing something, there’s nothing to stop it.

Introvert or Extrovert, our life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, with a purpose. And only we can live our life, not anyone else. So it’s upto us to decide the way we wish to live 🙂


God Bless

5 thoughts on “Reserved

  1. I am introverted and you’re right that it’s not bad at all. There has to be some kind of balance in the world. We all can’t be extroverts. That would just be annoying. lol


  2. Hi Kaushik – I’m happy on my own, and equally happy with my friends … being single I am very independent – but I think probably I’m in balance … at least I’m content with my world ..

    Cheers Hilary


    1. Hi Hilary..Thank you so much. Its always great to be independent and lead a life of our own. I feel it helps us be more responsible and decisive 🙂


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