Open Minded

O for Open Minded – A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2014 – Comments I’ve Received

Being Open Minded is a blessing for one and all. It makes our life bright and the lives of others too. The prejudices that we hold, affect the well being our ourselves and also those of others. 

Honestly saying, I did hold a lot of prejudices during my childhood. But then my world was small and my mind too, to open up and absorb the vastness and the variety of creation. The stereotypes and other preconceptions that I had, began to fade with time. The more I interacted with the world, the more wide my mind grew.

It’s true that at some point in our lives, the biases that we hold would be proven false. Having a biased mind is not really that bad, but holding on to it after realizing the truth, definitely is!

Love to conclude with one of my favourite quote…

Our mind is like the parachute. Both work best when open!


God Bless


7 thoughts on “Open Minded

  1. Hi Kaushik – so much better being open-minded to others and all new things – who knows where we might be led, and how interesting life may become ..

    .. and your quote is great – both do work better when open and one in particular otherwise the other wouldn’t work at all .. not nice to think about! Cheers Hilary


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