My 10 point Wish List

Here’s my wish list on 10 things I wish to do, before checking out of earth…

1. Travel to remote places in India

India is a land of million colours and there are so many unexplored, less-crowded exotic places where I wish to not just travel ,but also stay for a few days. Some such places in my list are Orchha, Somanathapura, Netala (I won’t disclose the rest 😉 )

2. Create a mystical artwork

I’m awed with works of geniuses like Leonardo daVinci, Michelangelo. So some day I want to create an artwork with some hidden codes, over which some one can ponder over.

3. Sing National Anthems of at least 20 countries

Some assume that singing the National Anthem of a country to which we don’t belong to, is disrespectful to both the countries. But I feel that the admiration and respect that I have on a country makes me learn its National Anthem. Right now I can sing 4 National Anthems (inc my nations’). I just want to expand it.

4. Learn Fencing

I’ve been always amazed by the sword fighting that actors do, especially in some fantasy movies/series. At times I’ve thought of possessing a 30 inch long double-edged, straight, glistening sword with which I’ll vanquish an army 😀

5. Spot an UFO

Whenever I read articles about UFOs, I wonder when will I spot one? Whether will be able to see it at all? Extending this wish, it’d be more awesome if I sight an UFO while I laze in my balcony.

6. Visit Manasarovar

I’ve read so many articles, seen photographs that explain the mysticity and the beauty of this amazing place. Hence making a pilgrimage to this holy lake is one among the points in this list.

7. Visit Preikestolen, Kjeragbolten and Trolltunga

Wondering what and where are these? Anyway these are some amazing and popular cliff formations in Norway. Google the names, sure you’d identify them.

8. Try different cuisines

I love to eat and do eat a lot, but still I play safe in food matters. I hesitate to try something new and ‘weird’. So I need to change myself and try out newer varieties of food. BTW I’m vegetarian and will stay the same.

9. Become Vegan

Extending on the previous point, I also wish to turn to vegan diet. A diet without dairy products seems a tad difficult, but still nothing is impossible. The world is also adapting to be vegan-friendly, so my previous wish won’t be affected to a large extent.

10. Learn more about Philosophy and Spirituality

I have always had a special attraction to philosophical and spiritual topics. I’ve read a decent lot on this topic too. But these topics are of such a kind that, if read a little, the quest to know more sets in. So I wish to accumulate more of philosophical and spiritual knowledge.

Good list eh? This post is written as a part of Indiblogger – Indivine – Let’s post our bucket list… 


God Blessi

4 thoughts on “My 10 point Wish List

  1. Trolltunga! I hope I hope I hoooope there’s a benevolent troll king called Trolltunga who offers tourists the finest cheese in the land! Thanks for the introduction to the place:) Great list here too


I'd be happy if you left behind a line or two..