Successful Completion!

And thus ends the A to Z April 2013 Challenge. Let me confess that, while taking up this challenge i.e., on April 1st, I thought that I could easily sail through this, as I’m going to post just a photo, and nothing to write. But it wasn’t as easy as I had thought it to be. Thinking over for a word corresponding to the alphabet of the day was a tedious one (especially for some alphabets). leave alone posting a photo, along with a caption to suit the word.

And here ends the A to Z April 2013 Challenge, along with a beautiful month, paving way for a new month, new challenges, new on..

God Bless

8 thoughts on “Successful Completion!

  1. You did a great job coming up with creative photos for each letter. I think K is my personal favorite…both the idea and the photo itself. Congrats on sticking with it to the end!


I'd be happy if you left behind a line or two..